File: gstpad.override
Function: _wrap_gst_pad_link
Error: dereferencing NULL (exc_val->ob_refcnt) at gstpad.override:745
729 static PyObject *
730 _wrap_gst_pad_link(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
731 {
732     static char *kwlist[] = { "sinkpad", NULL };
733     PyGObject *sinkpad;
734     int ret;
736     if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "O!", kwlist,
when PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords() succeeds
taking False path
737                                      &PyGstPad_Type, &sinkpad))
738         return NULL;
739     pyg_begin_allow_threads;
when treating unknown struct _PyGObject_Functions * from /usr/include/pygtk-2.0/pygobject.h:207 as non-NULL
when considering range: -0x80000000 <= value <= -1
taking True path
releasing the GIL by calling PyEval_SaveThread()
740     ret = gst_pad_link(GST_PAD(self->obj), GST_PAD(sinkpad->obj));
741     pyg_end_allow_threads;
when considering range: -0x80000000 <= value <= -1
taking True path
reacquiring the GIL by calling PyEval_RestoreThread()
742     if (ret) {
when taking True path
743         PyObject *exc_val = pyg_enum_from_gtype(GST_TYPE_PAD_LINK_RETURN, ret);
when call fails
744         PyErr_SetObject(PyGstExc_LinkError, exc_val);
calling PyErr_SetObject()
745         Py_DECREF(exc_val);
dereferencing NULL (exc_val->ob_refcnt) at gstpad.override:745
found 5 similar trace(s) to this
746         return NULL;
747     }
748     return PyBool_FromLong(ret);
749 }