File: gstpad.override
Function: _wrap_gst_pad_query_peer_duration
Error: calling PyList_SetItem with NULL as argument 1 (ret) at gstpad.override:1522
1506 static PyObject *
1507 _wrap_gst_pad_query_peer_duration (PyGObject *self, PyObject *args)
1508 {
1509     gint64    cur;
1510     gint    format;
1511     PyObject    *pformat;
1512     PyObject    *ret;
1514     pformat = (PyObject*)PyTuple_GetItem(args, 0);
1515     if (pyg_enum_get_value (GST_TYPE_FORMAT, pformat, &format)) {
when treating unknown struct _PyGObject_Functions * from /usr/include/pygtk-2.0/pygobject.h:207 as non-NULL
calling unknown gint (*) (GType, struct PyObject *, gint *) from gstpad.override:1515
when considering value == (gint)0 from gstpad.override:1515
taking False path
1516         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "argument should be a GstFormat");
1517         return NULL;
1518     }
1520     if ((gst_pad_query_peer_duration(GST_PAD (self->obj), (GstFormat*) &format, &cur))) {
when considering range: -0x80000000 <= value <= -1
taking True path
1521         ret = PyList_New(2);
when PyList_New() fails
1522         PyList_SetItem(ret, 0, PyLong_FromLongLong(cur));
when PyLong_FromLongLong() succeeds
calling PyList_SetItem with NULL as argument 1 (ret) at gstpad.override:1522
PyList_SetItem() invokes Py_TYPE() on the pointer via the PyList_Check() macro, thus accessing (NULL)->ob_type
found 3 similar trace(s) to this
1523         PyList_SetItem(ret, 1, pyg_enum_from_gtype (GST_TYPE_FORMAT, format ));
1524     } else {
1525         Py_INCREF(Py_None);
1526         ret = Py_None;
1527     }
1529     return ret;
1530 }